Can Quantum Computers Create A More Energy Efficient World?

Ethan Selvarajah
3 min readNov 12, 2021

Quantum computers have a huge range of potential applications from drug development to finance to better batteries. In this article, I’m going to focus on quantum computers’ influence on energy efficiency and usage.

Before we jump in, let’s take a look at some of the fundamental concepts of quantum computing and how they differ from classical computing.

Classical computers utilize ones and zeroes to perform operations, these ones and zeroes are known as bits. Rather than using bits, quantum computers employ qubits. Qubits are able to be in the state of one or zero. However, they can also be in another state of one and zero at the same time. You’re probably thinking, “How does that even work??”. Well, quantum computers follow the rules of quantum physics, so there are a number of important rules that differ from classical physics. Two of these rules are superposition and entanglement. Superposition allows a qubit to be in two places — this is what allows qubits to be in a state of one and zero at the same time. Entanglement allows two or more qubits to be interconnected and interact instantaneously.

Now, that we understand some of the basics. Let’s dive in.


Quantum computers are able to simulate complex chemicals and materials. We can apply this skill to the development of batteries. Currently, batteries are extremely inefficient and unable to store as much as we need. By utilizing quantum computers skills we can open doors to…

  • Electric Cars: Although electric cars can travel pretty far on one charge, some buyers still worry that they will run out of energy mid-drive. Improving batteries not only allows for the widespread adoption of electric cars but also requires fewer stops to recharge during a trip.
  • Renewable Energy: For this example, let’s focus on solar panels and wind turbines. The biggest issue with these renewable energy producers is that when it’s not sunny or windy, these sources cannot produce energy. Furthermore, unused energy will go to waste as there is currently no battery that can store all of the energy produced.

Electric Grid Security

Imagine a world where anyone could shut down the electricity, it’d be chaotic right? We use electricity for pretty much everything, from our phones and laptops to the cooling and heating of our houses. Unfortunately, at least three hacking groups have the ability to disrupt power grids across the US. Luckily, quantum computers bring along something known as quantum key distribution. This has the potential to increase the security of electrical grids and makes them pretty much unhackable. How? Quantum key distribution is extremely secure since it relies on physics rather than math to encrypt data. It works by sending photons over a fibre optic cable, each photon has a random quantum state which turns into a line of ones and zeroes.

Data Analysis

Quantum computers are able to calculate and sort large amounts of data. By collecting various information from smart devices, electric companies can make better predictions on a customer's preferences and their specific needs.

  • Releasing Energy from Batteries: If energy companies can figure out the time when energy is used the most, they can save the energy stored from the batteries and release it when needed.


  • Quantum computers can lead to a more energy-efficient world
  • Batteries, electrical grid security, and data analysis will make the energy grid more organized

Thanks for reading! I hope you learned something valuable today. Feel free to check out my Twitter @EthanSelvarajah if you want to talk. Hopefully, you enjoyed this article and learned from it.

