Welcome to the World of Quantum Computing

The Basics of Quantum Computing

Ethan Selvarajah
2 min readJan 4, 2022
This is a quantum computer!

Quantum computing can be a super complicated field to get into, from superposition to entanglement… what even is that? That’s why I decided to make an article highlighting some of the fundamentals.

The Basics

Using quantum computers we can exploit quantum physics’ phenomena — like superposition and entanglement — to solve problems that even our fastest supercomputers can’t. A quantum computer’s ability to utilize phenomena could be the solution to many of our biggest problems.

One of the essential building blocks of a quantum computer is a qubit. Qubits — unlike classical bits — can be in a state of 0, 1, or both at the same time.

Classical Bit vs. Qubit

Superposition is the principle that allows a qubit to be in multiple places at once. Imagine you’re looking for a specific spice in a large grocery store with 1000000+ items. A classical computer would have to go through every item to check if the item fits the requirements, on the other hand, a quantum computer could look at every item at once.

Another important property is entanglement. When two qubits are entangled, information from one qubit also gives information on the other qubit. Think of it like two psychic twins, whatever happens to one will happen to the other.

Using these two phenomena together allows qubits to calculate lots of data at the same time.

Now, if quantum computers are so great… what’s stopping them from being used?


Quantum computer’s nemesis - Decoherence

Qubits are extremely fragile. They’re easily affected by temperature fluctuations, vibrations, electromagnetic waves, and many other interactions. It’s very difficult to keep qubits in an environment that meets their needs. Currently, quantum researchers are trying to find ways to increase the decoherence time, and create environments that are perfect for them.


  • Quantum computers use quantum mechanics.
  • Superposition allows a qubit to be in multiple places at once.
  • Entanglement allows two qubits to be connected.
  • Decoherence is the main obstacle to quantum computers.
  • Decoherence refers to a qubit’s fragility.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you learned something new and valuable today. For further reading, feel free to check out Decoherence: Quantum Computer’s Greatest Obstacle by Tanisha Bassan. And if you liked my article, you can connect with me through my:

Twitter: @EthanSelvarajah || Substack: Ethan’s Expeditions

